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6 Untold Steps to Do Excellent Brainstorming

When you try to come up with innovative ideas or solutions to specific problems, it is called brainstorming. 

Writing content – whether it is academic or business – is a fruitful stage that helps students and even businessmen know what is going on in this content.

In any kind of communication, ideas are the most powerful resources which make brainstorming for drafting an important part of the process.

But for students who wait around for ideas to come, brainstorming can be a challenging task. That is why they fail to write their assignments, essays, research papers, and even dissertations. 

In such cases, learners look for academic writing services on the internet that can fix their pain points. They hire professional academic writers from a custom writing company that helps them reach their academic goals.

This guide will help you to understand the concept of brainstorming and make it bear more fruit. 

Are you familiar with the benefits of brainstorming?

Do you want to know why you need to resist the urge to skip brainstorming?

Here you go!

Benefits of brainstorming

According to writing experts, brainstorming is the first step in the writing phase. Why?

This is because knowing what material you want to include in your writing makes all the writing steps easier.

On the contrary, coming up with ideas while writing content is called winging. It works for some people and students but for most, it fails. Thus, taking a proactive approach to coming up with ideas not only generates ideas but also enhances your paper’s quality.

Following a brainstorming approach into account gives you more control over the writing phase. 

Students read many blogs and websites related to education in order to strengthen their writing. 

You should think of brainstorming as a vital ingredient of writing. You manage time for outlining and proofreading your content, so why do you not set time for brainstorming?

When your brain is already in a brainstorming mindset, it is very easy to come up with a variety of ideas.

Individual vs. group brainstorming – which is the best approach

Brainstorming is considered a group activity, but for individual projects, you can do it on your own. Brainstorming on your own gives you multiple benefits.

Accordingly, avoid thinking that you need other people to do it.

However, doing brainstorming sessions in a group also gives you benefits. Even with your college assignments, you can invite your friends to help you.

If you are planning to do brainstorming in a group, you should carefully frame it. Focus on creativity and free-thinking and set your goals.

Keep yourself away from the person whom you may not see as serious and creative.  

If you are brainstorming for the first time, these six steps will help you get the best results.

  • Get yourself prepared

Most often students fail to manage their time properly. In a nutshell, they lack time management skills. 

Choosing a suitable environment is the key to brainstorming. The very first step you need to do is to set a time for this session. Also, take it seriously. 

After managing enough time that you are not distracted by other people and activities, you should choose the right area for you. 

Select a place where you can focus on things better. Keep yourself away from all distractions and do not use the internet during this session. However, if you want, you can listen to music to heighten your mood.

Not all people have some opinions about what is relaxing; hence, go with what makes you amused. 

Finally, you can use a mobile, computer, or notepad to write on. If you are brainstorming in a group session, it would be best to use a whiteboard so everyone can see.

  • Discover the main points

Before jumping into the brainstorming session, pen down all the main points. For instance, if you are brainstorming an essay about simile in writing, you need to write down the word simile in the center or at the top of the page. 

This is the anchor text that holds you back when you are distracting from the right lane. 

For complex topics, you can also include subheadings or secondary elements. 

If you want to draw a character, you can use separate sections to present the different aspects of that character. 

However, if you get stuck with determining the main points of your paper, what should you do?

Do not panic, it is simpler than you think. Write your topic’s name and jot down all the ideas you have in your mind.

When you have a set direction, brainstorming works at its best. The more you know what you need to include in your paper, the easier it is to discover ideas. 

  1. Write down your initial thoughts

Now, write down all the ideas you have in your mind because it will help you organize your thoughts. 

Remember, not a single idea is bad. 

Brainstorming does not cope with quantity. Instead, it deals with quality, so pen down all the things you come across.

  • Follow a particular pattern

Once you have gathered plenty of ideas, it is wise to analyze these ideas. Look for ideas you love the most on your list, as well as the ones you do not like the most. 

Possibly you have written many ideas in a single category but not written enough in another area.

To shape your ideas, you can use any kind of connection or pattern around what works. While working on this in a group form, this could be a real ease factor to discuss what you have written so far.

  • List down the undefined objectives

In this stage, you think about what you are missing. When you have done your brainstorming session, it’s time to think about what you have done and what you have missed.

It would be best if you think about all the missing elements. For example, if you plot a story, you should make a list of untouched plot points.

  • Drive innovative ideas for the missing ideas

At last, it’s time to fill in all the gaps you have underlined in the previous phase. It is the most grueling part of a brainstorming session.

However, if you feel this step is a daunting task, here are some brainstorming techniques to jump into your creativity:

  1. Word association

Word association deals with when you look at a word and write down the idea that comes into your mind. 

For example, “mountain” might make you think of “height”, “height” conjures up “glory”.

This word exercise will help you find thematic relationships you have not examined before.

  1. Ask multiple questions

Now, think about the best supporting evidence you have. The quality of writing depends on the kind of questions you have. So unleash your curiosity and see what answers you have. 

Most importantly, asking questions from yourself positively affects your brain. 

  1. Pose different “what if” scenarios

When you ask questions, you are surrounded by many “what if” factors. Thus, in creative writing, these factors enable you to come up with multiple arguments.

A brainstorming session can put you down; therefore, take some rest and try with a fresh eye. 

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