Facebook’s hours-long outage on Monday 5th October 2021 hurt the company, its founder’s wealth, shareholders, and millions of users all over the globe. Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp faced a severe server error and went down for almost 8 hours. The instant messaging rivals had a really good time while Facebook was down.
Telegram founder and CEO “Pavel Durov,” said that Telegram added a staggering 70 million users on money. On his Telegram channel, Pavel Durov wrote “I am proud of how our team handled the unprecedented growth because Telegram continued to work flawlessly for the vast majority of our users,” but the day wasn’t as flawless.
“That said, some users in the Americas may have experienced slower speed than usual as millions of users from these continents rushed to sign up for Telegram at the same time,” he added.
Telegram recently went over 1 billion downloads and had 500 million active users monthly. Signal is another service that competes with Telegram and WhatsApp also added new users during Facebook and WhatsApp shutdown. Signal claimed to have added millions of new users during the shutdown.
This isn’t the first time when Telegram and Signal have gained new customers when Facebook was dealing with a server error. Both Telegram and Signal saw a spike in user activity when WhatsApp was dealing with its new privacy policy controversy.