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txtSpinner VS Spin Rewriter: Which Is Better?

Internet users always want to see fresh and informative content every time they visit a website. As a result, bloggers, online marketers, SEO experts, and other people associated with digital content tend to find ways to meet that need. Fortunately, article spinners were introduced.

Article or content spinners were not even a thing a few years ago. However, they are now among the most popular and widely used content marketing tools. They not only help you save time but also save money and effort when trying to create new and valuable pieces of content.

Speaking of article spinners, txtSpinner and Spin Rewrite are two of the top choices. If you are torn between them, keep reading this txtSpinner.com vs. spinrewriter.com review and discover which one suits your content writing needs better.

txtSpinner vs. Spin Rewriter: Overview

First, let’s have a quick overview of txtSpinner and Spin Rewriter.


txtSpinner is one of the most sophisticated and reliable article spinners on the market today. It helps produce human quality and unique pieces of content with the push of a button. txtSpinner understands the meaning and meaning of the text and then produces a new article in seconds. It also enables users to compare several articles side-by-side and offers various pricing plans.

Spin Rewriter 

Aaron Sustar developed a spin Rewriter along with his team in 2011. This online article spinning software’s main purpose is to take the original content and then spin it. It is integrated with Emulated Natural Language (ENL) Technology, allowing it to understand the sentence and paragraph’s context before replacing it with suitable synonyms. This content marketing tool comes with an interesting set of features and pricing options.

Spin Rewriter vs. txtSpinner: Features

Check out the features comparison of txtSpinner vs Spin Rewriter below:

txtSpinner Features 

Huge Thesaurus: This feature allows txtSpinner to automatically recognize any new synonym or phrase according to the user input. It also helps the system to have new ways of spinning content.

Keyboard Shortcuts: This feature enables the users to speed up the content-spinning process. They can do almost everything with the keyboard using the content editor. 

Images and Videos Addition: With this feature, users can add images and videos relevant to the content. 

Nested Spin Editor: This feature helps make the article spinning process at all levels easy. It also helps speed up the manual spinning.

Side-by-Side Comparison: The real-time spinning analytics update the users about the articles’ uniqueness and length. They can also compare the articles side-by-side to see if the changes are already desirable for the website posts.

Ease of Use: The creators of this content spinner put a high level of focus on the ease of use area. So, the tool comes with individual features to make the spinning process as easy as possible.

Machine Learning Usage: Machine learning is used to allow the tool to understand the meaning of the text. It also enables the tool to spin the articles reliably and automatically.

WordPress Integration: Users who wish to push content to their WordPress blogs will find txtSpinner very helpful. 

Default Spintax Format: txtSpinner understands that various services require different syntax. That is why the tool comes with an additional five different spintax formats. 

Device Compatibility: As a cloud-based article spinner, txtSpinner is accessible anytime and anywhere with any device. Users can spin their articles on their desktop and iOS or Android devices.

Copyscape Integration: Another impressive thing about using txtSpinner is that users can connect their Copyscape account to perform a plagiarism check. That way, they can immediately know that the content provided by the spinning tool is free from any plagiarism issue.

Written Tutorials: This spinning tool provides detailed, written tutorials. Users can choose from different tutorials, including how to get started, spin sentences and paragraphs, and add media.

Spin Rewriter Features 

Updated Synonym Database: This content spinner spends over 550 hours manually reviewing and updating its synonym database. That update helps improve the spun content’s quality.

Enhanced ENL: In the tool’s version 10, the ENL technology changes synonyms and understands the context, while version 11 can convert between passive and active voices.

Improved Mobile Version: Users can work on their articles anywhere they are using their mobile devices. They can use either their Android or iOS devices.

Better UX: Sustar and his team have spent a lot of time improving the Spin Rewriter’s user experience. Every improvement that occurred with this article spinner is the result of comprehensive and careful in-person user testing.

New Onboarding Process: The onboarding process of Spin Rewrite is reliable at all times. It accurately guides the users, particularly during the spinning of their first article.

Grammar and Spell Check: This tool features a Grammar and Spell checker that helps users ensure that their content is free from spelling or grammatical errors.

List Shuffle: This content spinner can determine the unordered list and then rearrange them to produce unique content. For example, once it detects an ordered list, it will not perform rearrangement. As a result, users can avoid inconvenience.

Stock Photo Integration: This another great feature of Spin Rewriter allows users to add copyright-free images in their content. After they select relevant images, the tool will do the rest automatically.

Different Syntax Styles: Spin Rewriter is known to support all five syntax styles.

Developer API: The spinning tool provides developer API, making it easier for the users to integrate the functionality into their own applications.

Video Tutorials: New users can use ten detailed video tutorials to get familiar with the tool and start using it as soon as possible.

Side-by-Side Comparison: The tool allows the users to compare their spun content with the original one side-by-side. In return, they can quickly see the difference between the two and know if the new content is appropriate for the posting.

Conclusion: txtSpinner vs Spin Rewriter

After exploring txtSpinner and Spin Rewriter, it’s time for you to choose which one matches your content writing needs and start spinning articles. While both of them are excellent article spinners, they come with varying features.

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