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Spotify Web Player: Music For Everyone

Spotify web player music is one of the best music streaming services. Spotify has over 433 million users globally. It has changed the way we listen to music. With the Spotify web player, you can play music directly from your browser. You don’t have to download Spotify, you can access it through your web easily after signing up just like Facebook.

Spotify web player is only available in the UK as of now. So, if you’re in the UK, you can start using it right away. You can sign in to the Spotify web player easily through your email ID or Facebook ID.

Let’s break down the Spotify web player into different segments. In this guide, you’ll learn everything there is to know about the Spotify web player. 

Spotify Web Player

  1. What’s New Page

On this page, you can discover new music of different tastes rather than the same songs you already know. The main section is the topmost section of the web player Spotify.

In the What’s new section, you will find some sub-sections:

  • New recommended albums
  • Trending playlists among friends 
  • Top tracks among friends 
  • New releases 
  • Trending playlists near you 
  • Top tracks near you
  1. Playlists 

The second section includes playlists. In this section, you create or rename a new playlist right from within the Spotify Web player desktop. You can arrange all the songs you want to listen to in different playlists.

  1. Radio 

Spotify Radio provides a ready-made collection of amazing songs from your favorite singer or band. Radio often contains music from artists that you listen to on a regular basis.

  1. Search 

Everyone has different music tastes, such as Rock, Pop music, classical music, Jazz, Hip hop music, etc. So, to fit your music taste, you can find the songs that you like. You can search songs through the Search bar and it provides all available suggestions or substitutes.

How To Find Music On Spotify Web Player?

To find a playlist according to your need, follow the steps:

  • Click on the search tab at the left sidebar.
  • With the top genres, you will see the Browse All section.
  • Select any one section from the three sections such as playlist, new releases, related podcasts, and sub-genres.
  • Another option to find music is to use the top search bar to look up any song after typing its name.

How To Find Artist And Album Pages On Spotify Web Player?

  • First, click on the artist’s name on the search bar.
  • Then, the most popular tracks will show at the top.
  • Below with popular releases, you can see all the popular releases.
  • Here you will see standard albums, singles/EPs, and compilations.
  • You can tap on the right to See the Discography.
  • Then you will find more on the artist, including playlists, bands, biography, and much more about your favorite artist.

How do I Save Music On The Spotify Web Player Library 

Your library feature is an amazing feature to save the music you love and make it easy to access. Here’s how you can save music on Spotify Web player. 

  • First, you tap on the heart icon that appears above the tracklist.
  • You can save individual songs you must tap on the heart icon beside the track length.
  • Finally, to save an artist,  tap on the Follow option for your favorite artists.
  • The adding process of Spotify podcasts on the Spotify library is the same as individual and playlist adding.
  • You can play these above songs in your library.

How To Manage The Playlist On Spotify Web Player?

First, tap on the Create playlist option on the left sidebar to make a blank one.

Then by dragging and dropping them, you can add songs according to your intent. Alternatively, tap on an item and select Add To Playlist >

You can add individual songs or complete albums into a playlist. Every new playlist you have created will appear on the left sidebar of the Spotify desktop.

Why Should You Use Spotify Web Player?

  1. You Will Have Fewer Apps

If you want to have fewer apps on your device, then the Spotify Music app is only for you. It does not require any desktop client, therefore anyone can access this music platform after signing in.

  1. You Will Gain Portability

After using the web player Spotify, you can listen to your favorite songs at work or wherever you want. All you need is your computer. For it, you just sign in to your profile, and you can stream lots of music and podcasts from your library or after searching. This makes it easy to use and we can stream music with another person’s mobile or desktop.

  1. You Can Use Hotkeys?

If you like using Spotify hotkeys to jump to your playlist, then web player Spotify has you covered. For it, install the Spotify Web Player Hotkeys Chrome extension or the Spotify Hotkeys Firefox add-on. 

The default navigation available for both these extensions is user-friendly or you can change it accordingly. Here are the common hotkeys for Spotify web player: Music for everyone which you can use on the extensions. 


  • Play/Pause: Alt + Shift +P 
  • Next Track: Alt + Shift + Full Stop
  • Previous Track : Alt + Shift + Comma


  • Play/Pause: Ctrl + Alt + P
  • Next track: Ctrl +Alt +Full Stop
  • Previous track : Ctrl + Alt + Comma
  1. You Can Play Music By Widgets And Tools

Spotify lovers can create widgets of their favorite playlists for their websites. They can open their device and play the music directly from the widgets. There is no need to open the desktop app, you can play music directly. 

  1. You Can Use Playlist Links

You can directly access the website playlist through Spotify links. You can copy these links from the address bar of your search engine when you will open the library page. Links can save you time searching and you can reach your playlist easily. 

After that, you can easily share these links on your social media platforms to share your amazing Spotify experience with your friends or followers. 

  1. You Can Sing Along With Lyrics

Lyrics are today supported across all the versions of the Spotify application as well as on the Spotify web player. Therefore you can learn to sing by listening to or reading lyrics on Spotify.

For it, you first play any of your favorite songs from your playlist and then you click on the full-screen mode to read the lyrics. It is amazing I have tried it before.

  1. You Can Use Spotify on Chromebook

Chromebooks have been specially developed to use web applications like Spotify, so it is an ideal way to stream music on your computer. Through Chromebook, you can install the Chrome app for Spotify. 

  1. You Can Use Third Party Features

With the launch of the Spotify app, the third-party apps got affected the most. But now there are lots of Spotify third-party applications available to enhance your experience with Spotify. Some of the most common third-party integrations include Spotify Tree and Spotify Player, etc.

Spotify- Web Player: Music For Everyone

Today we are streaming lots of music in different languages because of music streaming platforms. Music is the best example of globalization, it joins the hearts of people and makes them calm. Music helps to change your mood. 

Spotify is a good music streaming app for music lovers who want to stream different types of music like Jazz, Hip hop music, etc. We also can watch podcasts on different topics and different artists.

If you want to stream music without downloading it you can use it on the Spotify web player. The web player is good for streaming your music from other persons’ mobile or desktop devices.

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